Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) Bureaus and Offices

The Division of Quality Assurance (DQA), is responsible for assuring the safety, welfare, and health of persons using health and community care provider services in Wisconsin. DQA works to protect, promote, and provide quality in Wisconsin's health care facilities.

DQA bureaus and offices

Administrator's Office

The Administrator's Office is responsible for the Division's mission, organizational goals, strategic planning, overall policy direction, and provision of leadership and vision to DQA programs.

It also handles the Division's personnel, fiscal, quality assurance, reengineering, open records requests and budget functions. Visit the Division of Quality Assurance: Requests for Information webpage for additional information about records requests pertaining to DQA-regulated providers.

Bureau of Nursing Home Resident Care

The Bureau of Nursing Home Resident Care (BNHRC) is responsible for conducting unannounced health care surveys of nursing homes and facilities serving persons with developmental disabilities (FDDs - also known as Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, ICF/IID).

In addition, BNHRC conducts complaint investigations, and makes care level determinations for persons receiving medical assistance in the community or in nursing homes and FDDs.

Bureau of Assisted Living

The Bureau of Assisted Living (BAL) is responsible for licensing and surveying the following provider types:

The Behavioral Health Certification Section (BHCS) certifies substance use and mental health treatment programs.

Bureau of Health Services

The Bureau of Health Services (BHS) consists of two sections: