
My College Roomie (MCR) is a tool to help incoming residents make friends and find a compatible roommate, so they can expect a great first-year college experience. Incoming freshmen can select one roommate, if they choose. Students who do not select a roommate will still have one or more through either staff assignment or room selection.

Within MCR, students can create a profile; complete a compatibility questionnaire; view potential roommate matches; and reach out to communicate with matches. MCR is a tool for students; HRC staff do not use profiles or questionnaires to match students when making room assignments. Admitted students who have completed their housing applications have access to MCR beginning Friday, December 1 (after Dec. 1, it could take up to 24 hours to be added to the MCR system). More information regarding MCR will be emailed to students with a housing application later this fall. Incoming freshmen can form a roommate pair with one other person, for a total of two people in their pair.

Search for a Roommate

If you’re searching for a roommate, use My College Roomie to look through other students’ profiles and begin some initial chats.

Forming a Roommate Pair

If you already know who you’d like your roommate to be, send your roommate request through the myHousing portal.

If students find a roommate and want to form a roommate pair, they will do so in their myHousing portal (not MCR). To create a roommate pair, students will go to the portal; click on myRoomie; click on “Go to the Roommate Group Section;” click on “Create Group,” and click on “Invite,” entering their intended roommate’s first and last name. Admitted freshmen have until 8am Central on Monday, May 6 to complete a roommate pair.

Roommate Pairs

Find out more about how to form roommate pairs and accept roommate requests.

A confirmed roommate pair created in the myHousing portal will identify the student who initiated the group as the “leader,” however, this isn’t relevant for online room selection. In online room selection, either student in the roommate pair can select a room online, dependent on their individual room selection date/time.

Participating in online room selection does not guarantee your choice of a specific residence hall, room type or roommate. For students who applied for housing after Feb. 1, HRC staff consider building preferences as listed on the application and prioritize assigning roommates together, as space permits. However, we cannot guarantee any building, room type or roommate.

Guide Videos

MCR provides guide videos to help students utilize their software.