How to Write a Situation Report
Situation reports are designed to convey the details of a particular event, such as government reports of a natural disaster or coverage of a major corporate conversion. If you are called upon to create one for your business, you'll be playing the role of reporter. You must gather pertinent details from the parties involved and piece them together in a cohesive format that paints a clear picture of the situation. A well-crafted situation report can benefit your company by giving management and staff the information necessary to make important decisions.
- Assess the situation. Determine what information must be gathered, and from whom. Make a list of your target contacts and set a target completion date for the situation report. For example, if your company sent a large order to the wrong address, find out which staff were directly involved in taking and shipping the order.
- Communicate with each individual targeted in the initial assessment to get his feedback on the situation. Ask open-ended questions and probe for additional details if your source does not offer all the information you want. Take detailed notes and if possible, use a handheld tape recorder for interviews. Record contact details for each person you interview, including full name, professional title, date of birth, address and telephone number. In the above example, you would want to get a detailed timeline of all the events might have contributed to the order being shipped to the wrong address.
- Write your situation report. Summarize the situation at the top. Follow with paragraphs arranged in a coherent manner, detailing each decision, event and detail and that contributed to the situation. Be precise with dates, times and facts. Distribute the report to all relevant staff members.
- Follow up on your initial situation report with regular progress reports, if needed.