Birth Certificates

A new federal law requires you to have a certified copy of your birth certificate to renew your license. Many people don't have a certified copy of their birth certificate. A birth certificate with your footprint, or a plain black and white copy, is not certified birth certificate. Only parents, legal guardians, or the person whose name appears on the certificates, if they are at least 18 years of age, can receive a birth certificate.

Computer Copies

A computer generated birth certificate that contains a State File Number and embossed seal is accepted as the official certification of birth and is recognized as such by all agencies. A computer copy of birth certificates of all Florida births from 1917 to the present are available for a cost of $15.00 for each certified copy. Additional computer copies for the same person are $8.00 each.

Obtaining a Birth Certificate

You may use one of four secure, convenient, and fast ways to acquire a birth certificate:

Purchase Birth Certificates at the following locations:

Central Health Center Building 2
807 West Church Street
Orlando, Florida
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4:30 PM

Frequently Asked Questions
